As a highly qualified 'Early Childhood Trainer', there are many ways that I can support early years organisations or nursery settings from key note speeches, webinars, early childhood consultancy, modelling, training/INSET, self evaluation and review, support for leadership and management and parent sessions.

Key note speeches and conferences
I regularly speak at conferences and am happy to deliver key note speeches and deliver supporting seminars or workshop sessions. Please contact me to discuss your individual requirements.​​

I offer consultancy and advice regarding all aspects of Early Years Foundation Stage practice. I have worked with various settings to improve their provision. If you have identified a particular need and want support to develop an aspect of your practice please contact me.

I am happy to model practice by taking a lead during a session with children to demonstrate a teaching style or specific strategy for engaging learners, e.g. games from Phase One Letters and Sounds or conflict resolution. It can help to watch someone interacting with your children in your setting. I am in no way a perfect practitioner but observing someone else forms the basis for a professional discussion about what constitutes best practice and what works well and doesn’t work well in your individual setting. Please contact me for more information.

I deliver a variety of training and inset courses which will support the continued professional development of your staff. You can find out more about these and see my current list of courses on my training page. I am also able to produce a training programme designed to meet your specific requirements, please contact me for more information.

supporting self evaluation and review
I support settings to evaluate and review different aspects of their provision with the aim of supporting continuous improvement. We celebrate strengths, look for opportunities to develop practice further and how these developments would benefit the children. We then put together an action plan to try and make these improvements a reality. If you have identified a particular need and want support to develop an aspect of your practice please contact me.

supporting Leadership and management
If your provision does not have any early years specialists in senior management or governance I am happy to visit your setting and share aspects of effective practice. I offer updates or information sessions and generally provide advice and guidance on how they can support your early years provision. I also offer to conduct joint observations of within your setting with senior managers / governors to then discuss aspects of practice and coaching sessions to develop leaders and managers in their role. Please contact me for more information..

coaching sessions
I offer coaching sessions for leaders, managers and practitioners to support them in their role. I can also offer regular supervision for senior leaders. Please contact me for more information.

SESSIONS for parents and carers
I deliver interesting and informative sessions aimed at parents covering various topics such as learning through play, phonics and promoting positive behaviour. I can also run baby signing classes and nursery rhyme sessions for parents/carers to attend with their babies or toddlers in your setting. Please contact me for more information..