Passionate about inspiring others
I believe that all children deserve practitioners who are inspiring, dynamic, reflective and passionate about their learning. When children have the very best start in their early years they adopt positive dispositions and attitudes to learning and the primary way to assist with this is through inspiring and motivating those who teach them. In this environment children thrive and grow and can achieve their potential. I am passionate about delivering high quality early years training and consultancy services on all aspects of early childhood education.
I continue to be an advocate for listening to young children, making learning multi-sensory, active and, of course, playful. Play is the best way that children of all ages learn and develop. We need to allow children time to become engrossed in their play and encourage them to follow their interests and fascinations. I particularly love the quote by George Bernard Shaw, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Fellow - Higher Education Academy
MA Early Childhood Education
PGCE Early Years (with QTS)
Early Years Professional Status (EYPS)
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)
BA (Hons) Humanities (Geography)
Professional Memberships
Other external roles
Book Chapters
I have recently written a chapter on 'Bronfenbrenner' in the edited book Early Childhood Theories Today, which is soon to be published.

I have also written a chapter on Schematic Play and Autistic Children in the edited book Schemas in the Early Years: Exploring Beneath the Surface Through Observation and Dialogue

I have also contributed to a chapter about moderation in the book Assessment in the Primary Classroom which is edited by Sarah Earle.